Top St Patrick’s Day Traditions to Participate In
St Patrick’s Day is fast approaching. While not as big as some of the other holidays, this is a great one that provides a good excuse to celebrate. St Patrick’s Day celebrates the patron saint of Ireland, but even if you aren’t Irish or Catholic, there are some traditions you can participate in.
Wearing Green
Wearing green is one of the most popular traditions for St Patrick’s Day and one that almost everyone participates in. Whether you want to avoid getting pinched by your friends, you love the color green, or you just want an excuse to celebrate, wearing green is the perfect thing to do to get in the mood to celebrate. You can go full out and wear green from head to toe, or you can be a little more understated and wear a few tasteful accessories, such as earrings, socks, a tie, or a headband. There will be plenty of green clothing on sale before St Patrick’s Day, so if you don’t have anything good in your closet, take a look at your favorite store in the weeks leading up to it.
Indulging in Food
What’s a holiday celebration without food? If you’re going to celebrate, you need to have a solid feast. There are a couple of different ways you can celebrate. If you want to go more traditional, you can make and eat food like corned beef and cabbage, Irish stew, Irish soda bread, a variety of potato dishes, or shepherd’s pie. If you just want to celebrate with your favorite foods, you can add green food coloring to things like pancakes, cookies, oatmeal, pancakes, icing, or anything else that you decide to make. Green glitter is great for spicing up your cocktails, and a solid pint of Guinness is always a good way to honor Irish beer if you like to drink.
Clover Hunting
Four-leaf clovers are pretty rare, which is why finding one is considered to be lucky. If you find a four-leaf clover, it’s supposed to bring you good luck. Some people even believe it can help you find love, bless your marriage, keep you healthy, or see magical beings. If you have clover patches near your home, you can go clover hunting to see what you can find. This is also a great activity for kids to participate in, so you can get your whole family involved. If you do find a four-leaf clover, make sure you get some good pictures with it and take it home so you can keep your luck!
The most important thing to remember when celebrating a holiday is that it’s meant to be fun. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have things turn out a certain way, or to be perfect. You get to choose the traditions you participate in. So choose the ones you love and leave the rest behind!
Are you ready to get back to your favorite food trucks? Click here for tips on finding them as the weather warms up!