Should You Tip When Buying from Food Trucks?
An increasing number of food establishments offer their customers an opportunity to tip when paying for their food. While whether or not you should tip is pretty cut and dry in some places, it’s a little less clear in others. Food trucks fall into that second category. If you’re not sure if you should tip or not when buying from a food truck, some guidelines can help you out.
No Hard, Fast Rule
Unfortunately, there isn’t a hard, fast rule about tipping at a food truck the way there is at a restaurant where you’re waited on by a server. Part of the confusion is because food truck employees get paid more than your average server’s hourly wage, so they don’t need tips to make up the difference between that and minimum wage. They also aren’t doing the same work a server would do. On the other hand, food truck employees still aren’t making much, which leads to the next point.
It's Very Appreciated
No one is ever going to feel upset about getting a tip. Tips are a great way to say thank you for the work that was put into making your food truck experience as good as it was. That includes everything from the service to the food itself. It’s vindicating to have a customer feel so good about what you’re offering that they’re willing to chip in a little extra to show their thanks. Plus, despite higher wages, food truck employees are far from making a fortune. Getting a little extra to help pay the bills is always appreciated.
How Much to Tip
So how much should you tip if you decide to? Consider the level of service you received. Most people who tip at food trucks leave a 15%-20% tip. On average, they’ll tip 18% for good service, 15% for average service, and 20%+ for excellent service. Overall, it’s pretty similar to what you’d expect if you were tipping a server.
Getting food from a food truck is a fantastic way to find a great meal while supporting small businesses. For some people, tipping is a no-brainer, an easy way to show your appreciation for the hard work that went into making your delicious food. For others, it’s not such an obvious decision. At the end of the day, whether you tip or not when buying from food trucks is up to you. Just know that any extra support you offer will be appreciated more than you know.
Tipping is just one way you can show your favorite food truck or food joint that you appreciate them. Want to do more? Click here for other suggestions from WTF!