Food Trucks for Fundraisers
As a non-profit organization, money is a constant need. Whether it’s for your child’s cheerleading squad or your community service group, fundraisers seem to come with the territory. Many organizations are getting in on the fun of bringing in a food truck or two as part of their fundraising event. If you want to give this excellent money-making opportunity a try, here’s how to do it!
Decide How to Raise Money
Once you have a few food trucks in mind for your fundraiser, the first step is to reach out and enlist their help. For a large fundraiser, consider hiring multiple food trucks. One way to incentivize multiple trucks to book your event is to hold a food truck competition with local celebrity judges and lots of publicity. Be sure to point out that by coming to your event, they will gain positive exposure as businesses that give back to their community, increase their customer base by serving new people, and have a ready crowd available to them. Once you have your food trucks, get to work promoting the event to ensure both you and the food trucks are successful!
Get the Word Out
In order for your fundraiser to be a success—for both you and your food trucks—you need to get the word out. Add the event to your nonprofit’s website. Print up flyers to be hung up throughout your community. Utilize email marketing. Use social media. Ask your local newspaper to donate some ad space. Enlist the support of other nonprofits. And never underestimate the power of good, old-fashioned word-of-mouth advertising. *Pro tip: if you book your food trucks through WTF, we’ll promote your event on our platform for free.
Plan the Set-Up
Food trucks might be small and mobile when compared to brick-and-mortar restaurants, but they do have some basic logistical needs. Above all, food trucks need a flat space where they can set up shop and still have room for people to line up. Their other needs will depend on the food truck. This could be a nearby electrical source or even a water source. Find out what your specific food trucks need well ahead of time and draw up a plan early on. And don’t forget city/county event permits.
Adding a food truck or two (or three) to your fundraiser is a great way to draw more people in, increase your proceeds, and make your event a lot more fun! Plus, the clean-up couldn’t be easier! Join in on the fun and get a food truck for your next fundraising event.
For more tips on how to hire a food truck, click here. Then, check out the food trucks in your area with the Where’s the Foodtruck app and start sampling!
*as a note, keep in mind that food trucks are typically small businesses, owned and operated by members of your community, and often working very hard towards success. Use your event to promote them as a local business, not to ask for their charity or donation. Ask a big box corporate restaurant for that 😉