spreading the love on world kindness day

Spreading the Love on World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day is November 13th this year. This special day was created to encourage more kindness throughout the world. The theme for 2022 is “Be kind whenever possible.” What makes this theme so impactful is that it isn’t focused on making a one-time, grand gesture. Instead, it reminds people that kindness can be an integral part of their everyday lives. In that same spirit, here are three ways that anyone in any walk of life can show kindness on November 13th and always.

Pay a Stranger’s Tab

Imagine if you pulled your wallet out, all ready to pay for your meal, only to find out that a random stranger had already paid for it. You would be over the moon! Now, wouldn’t that be fun to give that gift to someone else? The beauty of serving a stranger is that you can’t be compensated for it in any way. You also get the fun of imagining just how meaningful it was for the person you served. Maybe they were having the worst day ever and you just turned it around!

Write a Positive Review Online

Local businesses often rely heavily on word-of-mouth referrals and positive online reviews. You may not realize the blood, sweat, and tears that go into making a small business successful, but you can be sure that’s what it takes. This World Kindness Day, take a few minutes out of your day to write a positive review for one or all of the local businesses that you cherish. Positive affirmation can mean the world to a struggling business owner.

Say Something Nice

This next suggestion doesn’t take much time, energy, or money. All it takes is a little bit of courage. Just for the day, make it a point to compliment everyone you interact with. It shouldn’t be hard. Everyone has something about them that stands out in a positive way. Maybe the girl checking your groceries has the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen. Or the gas station attendant might have highly intricate tattoos! Thank the people around you for a job well done, and make the effort to notice the positive qualities of the folks you meet.

Don’t let this year’s World Kindness Day pass you by without making your circle a little bit kinder. You don’t have to do anything big. Sometimes it’s the little things that mean the most to people.

Need help writing that positive online review? Click here to learn how! Then, make sure to check out which food trucks are open near you and go support a local business tonight!

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