college campus for food trucks

Taking Your Food Truck to College

No site is more beautiful to a college student who has been living on dorm food 3 meals a day, 7 days a week, than a vibrantly colored, mouthwatering food truck rolling into campus. If you want to see your food truck get swarmed, this is the place. It’s like an oasis in the desert. Because many college students don’t have the means of transportation to get to you, you should think about bringing your delicious, fresh, piping hot, gourmet street food to them.

Work Out a Deal With the Campus

Colleges and universities understand their limitations when it comes to providing diverse food options for their students. And these educational institutions want to keep their students happy. Many schools already have deals for regular food truck appearances on their campuses. One example is a Seattle University who has gone one step further and allows for campus meal cards to be used to pay for food truck fare. If your local college or university already has a deal with food truck vendors, try to piggyback on it. If not, approach the staff and see if you can start something new. Reference other colleges and universities have found success with it. Students are always hungry, schools are always struggling to feed their students, and food truck owners always love a good crowd. It is a win-win-win!

Pitch to Fraternities and Sororities

Fraternities and Sororities are constantly looking for new ways to party! What better way than to bring in a food truck for their next big rave. The only thing keeping fraternities and sororities from bringing in a food truck might just be that they haven’t thought of it yet. That’s why you need to pitch the idea to them. Find out who the local fraternity and sorority chapter presidents are and reach out. It’s worth a shot, and because parties and food trucks go so well together, it’s quite likely that they’ll be excited about the opportunity.

Get as Close to Campus as Possible

If your local college or university won’t agree to let you set up on campus, get as close as you possibly can. As long as you’re parked legally, setting up right next to a college campus is the next best thing to being on one. If you’re within walking distance, word will get out quickly and students will still come in droves.

Few places say throngs of hungry people quite like college campuses. That’s a crowd you want to get in on if possible. It’s steady, and reliable for students desperate for good food! Reach out to campus leadership or get as close to campus as you can.

Click here to find out why college students are just waiting for you to come!

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