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Common Food Truck Maintenance

The life of a foodtruck owner can be busy. Successfully going from one event to the next is important for the success of your business. However, sometimes your truck needs maintenance to help you make it there. Foodtruck maintenance you need to keep in mind includes oil changes, appliance maintenance, and regular energy systems checks.

Oil Changes

Today’s vehicles tend to need oil changes less frequently. Your foodtruck or tow vehicle might not be this year’s model though. Failure to keep track of maintenance can lead to extensive problems with your vehicle. An oil change flushes abrasive dirt and metal particles out of the engine, prolonging its life. During an oil change, it is important to avoid overfilling the crankcase with oil as that can cause air bubbles to form and get churned in the oil. Oil filters should be changed at least every other oil change and checked frequently to prevent dirty oil from mixing with your clean oil. To maximize the life of your engine and your vehicle, schedule frequent oil changes and maintenance by a professional mechanic.

Appliance Maintenance

The last thing you want is to schedule an event, show up and have your appliances stop working. Keeping your appliances clean will go a long way in protecting and helping prolong their life. It is also important to ensure your appliances cool properly after use to prevent the coils from overheating. Your appliances will last longer when the temperature is regulated. You should also bring your truck to restaurant supply and repair stores for occasional maintenance assessments.

Energy Systems Check

How you power your foodtruck, trailer, and your kitchen is vital for business operations. If you use a generator, it will also need frequent oil changes to prolong its life. A backup generator is wise if you are attending a large event where you expect a lot of business. Never let your vehicle be low on gas as it can cause damage to your fuel pump. Be sure to have emergency equipment on hand to make repairs along the way when warning lights go on, or your truck needs a jumpstart.

With regular maintenance, the operation of a foodtruck is more affordable, preventing major repairs. And it’s not as big of an inconvenience when you schedule it on your own time versus a last-minute emergency. Owners run into issues when they neglect the home of their business. Properly maintaining your foodtruck will keep customers coming back and extend the life of your equipment.

Check out our article ­­Before Opening a Food Truck for additional maintenance items to keep in mind for your foodtruck business.

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