Go Nutty this November with Peanut Butter Lovers Month!
All you peanut butter lovers out there, this month is your month! November is Peanut Butter Lovers Month, and that’s your call to go absolutely nutty! Whether you like your peanut butter in sandwiches, covered in chocolate, or on absolutely everything including pizza and pickles, November is the perfect time to celebrate your passion for peanut butter. It’s also the perfect time to try new peanut butter confections like these:
Peanut Butter Ice Cream
You shouldn’t have to look far to find ice cream that’s bursting with delicious peanut butter flavor. In fact, Ben and Jerry’s alone offers 10 amazing peanut butter ice cream flavors. You may have a favorite go-to, but make it a point this month to try something new. You could go for PB Over The Top, Peanut Butter Half Baked, or Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Chunks. If you want to get really wild, try Netflix & Chill’d. This peanut-butter lover’s dream is bursting with peanut butter, pretzels, and brownies. Or, you might prefer ice cream out on the town. Check out your nearest ice cream truck for more amazing ice cream flavors!
Gourmet PB&J
This one may take some hunting, but see if you can find a vendor who sells their very own gourmet PB&J. One good venue to explore is a sandwich shop or food truck. Whether they use special house bread, fresh fruit, chunks of delicious chocolate, or all three, gourmet PB&J sandwiches are to die for! *Pro tip: PB&J hamburgers are amazing!
Peanut Butter Bakes
You may think you’ve tried them all, but google peanut butter bakes and you’ll find hundreds of amazing recipes just waiting to be downloaded and sampled. Of course you have your basics: the peanut butter cookies and peanut butter bars. But have you tried peanut butter pie, peanut butter cheesecake, peanut butter fudge, or peanut butter . . . lasagna?! Don’t worry, peanut butter lasagna is actually just a multi-layered, heavenly concoction made of brownie, whipped cream, chocolate pudding, peanut butter mousse, and peanut butter chips. If you don’t bake, never fear. Many food vendors offer some kind of peanut butter dessert!
No true peanut butter lover should ever let November pass them by without gobbling up as much peanut butter as is humanly possible. (Like the Thanksgiving pun there?) It’s the perfect excuse, really! If anyone gives you a hard time about your peanut butter frenzy, just tell them that you’re being patriotic! November is National Peanut Butter Lovers month, after all!
For a list of more food truck treats you’ve absolutely got to try, click here! Then, while you’re at it, be sure to download the WTF app so that you never miss another food truck in your area!