OSHA Requirements for Food Trucks

OSHA Requirements for Food Trucks

Food trucks are easier and cheaper to operate than a brick-and-mortar restaurant and offer versatility and diversity that few things can rival. However, as with any business, there are some regulations that you need to be aware of to ensure compliance. You don’t want to be fined because you failed to follow these and other OSHA requirements.

Safe, Operational Equipment

As a business owner, you are responsible for providing a safe working environment for your employees. For you as a food truck operator, that includes your ventilation system, your cooking surfaces, your fryers and grills, and any other equipment that your employees will be working with. As part of that responsibility, you should also train your workers to safely operate and navigate around the equipment. It’s a good idea to set up an orderly flow in your workspace to minimize the risk of your team members burning or cutting themselves.

Easy Exits

Because there is always the risk of a fire starting in your food truck, there should be multiple points of exit from the truck. These should be easy to access and open. Of course, it’s also wise to keep fire extinguishers handy. Train your employees on the differences between regular fires and grease fires and teach them how to put both types out.

Potable Water

You are also required to provide potable water for your employees to drink at your food truck. This is especially important during the summer months when temperatures soar and your truck can become like an oven inside. Along those lines, you need to take high temperatures in your truck very seriously. People can get sick or even die if their body temperature rises above 106 degrees for 15 minutes or more. Because food truck kitchens commonly rise far above that temperature in the summer, you should take the necessary precautions to keep your workers safe.

At your food truck, you are responsible for doing everything in your power to keep your employees safe. You can do much to prevent work injuries from occurring. Maintain your equipment, provide plenty of potable water, and make sure there are multiple exits on your truck. Additionally, you should keep appropriate first aid supplies in case there is an accident. Above all, create a culture of safety with proper training and leadership.

As a food truck owner, you also have to be prepared for random health inspections. Click here to learn what to clean in your kitchen so that you can pass those with flying colors! Then, get up to date with the WTF app!

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